Do Industrial Piercings Work With All Ear Shapes?

An industrial piercing joins two separate cartilage piercings with a barbell. The most common type goes from the helix to the anti-helix of the ear. These piercings were introduced in the 90s and have been popular and wanted by many ever since. Unfortunately, they are anatomy-dependent piercings. And let’s face it, it can be hard to even look at your ear in the mirror. So, how do you know if you have the proper anatomy for an industrial piercing?

That’s where your piercer comes in. Any reputable piercer will first provide a consultation to assess your ear and determine whether you have suitable anatomy.

If you’re interested in getting an industrial piercing, it’s best to do some research before you head down to your piercer. Our blog will detail why industrial piercings don’t work with all ear shapes and alternatives for those who don’t have the proper shapes.

Industrial Piercing Sizes

Suitable Anatomy for an Industrial Piercing

When your piercer assesses your ear during a consultation, they will be looking to make sure you have the following main factors:

  • Thick enough outer ridge of cartilage to support the jewelry
  • Middle ear that doesn’t interfere with where the jewelry will lay
  • Outer ridges of cartilage that face each other

Your piercer needs to make sure that the angle of the piercing will rest perpendicularly. If the piercing is at an angle, it will not heal properly, which is why you commonly see people with problems healing their industrial piercings.

Additionally, your ear's shape must allow the two piercings to be angled toward each other so that the jewelry sits together at the same angle and can heal correctly. An incorrect angle can put too much pressure on the piercing, causing it not to heal.

This is why you cannot heal an industrial without a barbell. If the precise angle needed for the industrial changes due to how one of the piercings healed, it will only irritate them to connect them with a barbell later.

Alternatives If You Don’t Have Suitable Anatomy for an Industrial Piercing

Before you give up on an industrial entirely, see if you can first get custom bent jewelry to fit your ear’s specific shape and sizing. If a custom jewelry piece doesn’t work, you can opt for a piercing that gives the illusion of having an industrial piercing.

What Is a Floating Industrial Piercing?

A floating industrial piercing is still two separate piercings. However, the placement and jewelry are different. The jewelry consists of two flatback studs connected to a cluster or barbell. Regarding placement, the piercings are positioned on the inner cartilage of the upper ear.

There are also half- and full-floating industrial piercings. A half-floating one goes from the outer ridge of cartilage to the center of the upper ridge of the ear, known as the scapha. A full-floating industrial piercing goes from the cartilage near the helix to the anti-helix.

While the answer may be that industrials don’t work with all ear shapes, it is good to know there are ways to pull off the aesthetic of an industrial piercing in a much safer way. This way, you don’t have to deal with the tricky healing of a piercing you don’t have the anatomy for.